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Terms and Conditions


Reflexology Disclaimer:

Reflexology is a complementary therapy and does not take the place of a medical examination by a qualified Doctor. If you have any underlying illness or are concerned for your physical or mental health, please consult your GP prior to booking an appointment.

Note: Reflexology is not a substitute for medical treatment nor is it a diagnostic system. Always consult a GP or other health professional for medical attention and advice.

Esther Walsh Wellness reserves the right to withdraw/change/increase the prices as well as to withdraw/change/cancel a service/promotion at any time without notice.

Terms and conditions

In accessing the Website, including any and all webpages, the Programmes and/or the services and products, information, text and images offered or provided on the Website, you are deemed to have read and personally agreed to the Terms and Conditions
In downloading any content from any Programme to your computer, you do not receive any ownership rights to such content and by downloading any content you agree not to use the content for any unlawful purpose and you agree that your use of the Programme is only for your personal use and not for any commercial or other use contrary to these Terms and Conditions and our legal rights in respect of the Website and Online courses.

You agree that when you register, activate and download the learning materials/ online courses you will not reproduce, distribute in person, publish, republish, print, upload to any third party, post on any social media site or forum, or distribute or modify or otherwise deal with any content in the Website in whatever format, personally or otherwise, and/or provide it, or any part of it, to a third party that would otherwise infringe our intellectual property rights.

You agree that in downloading any service or product from the Programme, you will not rent, lease or lend it to a third party nor decompile, reverse engineer, modify or derive content from the Programme and/or make it available over a network where it could be used by multiple devices at the same time

You agree that your use of the Website will not violate any laws without limitation, including those governing competition, advertising, consumer protection laws, privacy, obscenity, spamming, stalking, intellectual property rights and/or defamation in the Republic of Ireland and when accessed in another jurisdiction the laws of that jurisdiction and Irish law, so far as the laws are not inconsistent, in which case you agree to be bound by the laws for The Republic of Ireland.

You agree that in using the Website, you will not post threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, offensive, hate mail or speech or facilitate others to commit such acts in whatever format.

You agree that you will not post comments about the Website, any of its content, its individual representatives, officers, directors, consultants and/or employees without the prior written consent of ourselves.

Our commitment to our clients

  • All treatments provided by Esther Walsh Wellness will last for the specified duration purchased. i.e. a 60 minute treatment will last 60 minutes.
  • All clients must complete a consultation form prior to treatment and will receive up to 5 minutes consultation in addition to their treatment
  • Treatments will only be conducted if Esther Walsh Wellness deems the treatment safe for the client to receive
  • GP/Consultant permission may be required before treatments can be provided

Client Commitment

  • ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS has the right to terminate a treatment immediately if the client demonstrates inappropriate or sexual behaviour
  • You agree to provide accurate and truthful details about yourself for the purposes of your treatment, and we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your treatment if we discover you have, at any time, provided inaccurate, incomplete or misleading personal information.
  • Payment will be collected for the full treatment price, provided more than 10 minutes has been spent providing a treatment to the client
  • If the therapist is unable to collect money before leaving, an invoice will be sent to the client’s email address provided
  • All invoices must be paid within 7 days of issue date

Cancellation Policy

  • A booking is confirmed once ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS and the client have both agreed a date, time, duration and location for a treatment
  • If a cancellation is made more than 24 hours before a treatment, the client will not be charged
  • If a cancellation is made within 24 hours of the treatment, they will be expected to pay a cancellation fee of €60 for each hour cancelled
  • This cancellation fee may be waived at ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS’s discretion.
  • The cancellation fee must be paid within 7 days of the cancellation
  • ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS has the right to cancel a treatment by giving 24 hours notice
  • ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS has the right to cancel a treatment without notice if the room or environment is unsuitable for the treatment to be provided, or if the therapist is taken ill
  • ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS has the right to cancel a treatment without notice if the client is intoxicated or inebriated
  • ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS commits to rearranging treatments to a new time and date within two weeks of the cancelled treatment where possible


  • Vouchers can be used as payment towards any available, advertised treatments
  • Vouchers are only valid for one use
  • If the whole amount of the voucher is not used, another voucher for the remaining voucher sum will be issued
  • Vouchers are only valid up to and including the expiry date
  • Postage will only be charged for vouchers that are paid for online and then posted
  • If postage is paid, but vouchers are delivered during a treatment, the postage fee charged will be returned to the customer in cash
  • Refunds are not available for vouchers already paid for and provided

Feedback Forms

  • Feedback forms will be sent to clients at ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS’s discretion
  • Content may be used in publicity material and on the website, with the permission of the author

Website Content

  • Website content will be authorised and managed at ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS’s discretion, including testimonials
  • Photographs will only be displayed with the consent of the people in the photograph
  • Photograph consent may be obtained by ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS verbally, or in writing if the client completes a photo release form
  • Photo release forms can be requested by phone or email


  • ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS accepts payment in cash or by debit / credit card
  • Invoices will be sent to clients who do not pay for, or who cancel, treatments
  • Invoices must be paid within 7 days of the issue date
  • In purchasing any product or services from the Website (“the Purchase”) you agree to:

(a) pay using a valid credit card (or other form of payment as we may allow);
(b) provide us with current and complete information as detailed in the purchase order form including full legal name, telephone number, email address, credit card details and billing information as required and without limiting any of our rights and remedies. If we discover or believe that any information provided by you is inaccurate or incomplete, we reserve the right to refuse to continue with your Purchase, or put on hold or terminate your access to the website, the Programme or any of the services or products provided by us at any stage at our sole discretion and you forfeit any right to a refund of any payment made by you for the Purchase;
(c) pay all costs, fees, charges, applicable taxes and other charges as may be incurred in respect of the Purchase (“the costs”); and
(d) all costs are in Euros unless otherwise indicated.


  • Client treatment details will not be discussed with anyone other than the client unless the client is under the age of 16 or has a care worker or guardian
  • Consultations will only be discussed with the client unless the client is under the age of 16 or has a care worker or guardian
  • Consultation Forms and treatment notes will be kept on file, securely by ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS
  • All clients must complete a consultation form prior to receiving ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS treatments
  • By signing the consultation form, clients are giving ESTHER WALSH WELLNESS permission to hold records and data about them
  • Personal information such as name, email, date of birth and treatment history may be used to periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting
  • Your Personal information will not be shared with any third parties

Young Clients

  • Clients under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
  • The adult must give permission for the treatment to be performed
  • The adult must co-sign the client’s consultation form
  • The adult must be present in the room throughout the treatment


  • These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Republic of Ireland and you agree to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of that jurisdiction and any appeals from those Courts.

Our rights to modify services

  • You acknowledge that we are entitled at any time, to change, modify, vary, delete or otherwise deal with the website and/or the Terms and Conditions, as we see fit.
  • We will publish any intended changes on the website and you will be deemed to have accepted such changes when you first access the Website following our publication of the notice of change on the Website.


You may cancel your registration (please note a refund will not be issued when cancelling) to any program by notifying and we can then archive any information about you, or your account, stored in our database as well as cease the provision of any information to you. (Your information archived will be stored for 7 years from the date of purchase and/or registration at which point in time it will be deleted or destroyed.)